WEBSCTE-2021 (SEM - 6)
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- Answer the following questions :
i) Hydrology is the science of studying the different forms of water available in earth.
ii) The base of cone of depression is known as circle of inflexed. (True/False)
iii) The permeable temporary structure constructer on the river bank to protect it from erosion is known as SPUR .
iv) For the movement of fishes the fish ladder is provided by the side of divide wall.
v) The permeable formation of the soil of the earth crust is known as (a) aquifer (b) aqueduct (c) aquiclude (d) slotted
vi) The irrigation water is applied to the field to rise the moisture content of the soil up to its field capacity .
vii) When river flows through the steep hilly region , then that known as (a) rocky stage (b) simple stage (c)plateau stage (d) erosion stage
viii) The period from sowing a crop to the time of harvesting is known as (a) crop period (b) paleva (c) perennial (d) rein
ix) In hot climate the evaporation loss is more and hence the water requirement will be more.
x) Flood discharge may be estimated from Dicken's formula by the expression Q=CA3/4 .
xi) Consumptive use of water for a crops includes (a) interaction (b) Evaporation (c) transpiration (d) All of this.
xii) To form a still water pocket in front of the canal head a divide wall is constructed.(True/False)
xiii) The distance between the static water level and the centre line of pump is known as static suction head .
xiv) The impermeable permanent structure constructed on the river bank to protect it from spur. (True/False)
xv) The only good effect of flood is that the agricultural lands are enriched with nutrients and sediments .
xvi) The hydrology obtain from one cm run off for unit duration is known as (a) hydrograph (b) hyetograph (c) unit hydrograph (d) holograph
xvii) The guide bank is also Bell's bund.
xviii) 60° towards the downstream is known as (a) spur (b) attracting (c) defending (d) crowding
xix) The critical depth in a channel can be produce by Decrease the width of the channel. (True/False)
xx) Symon's rain gauge is a non-recording type.
xxi) The opening provided at the body of the dam to discharge excess water is known as (a) spillway (b) NPL (c) dam (d) river pull
xxii) The graphical representation of run-off and rain fall is known as hyetograph. (True/False)
xxiii) The priming of the saddle siphon spillway is done by baby siphon. (True/False)
xxiv) For weirs or low dams drop spillway is suitable.