WEBSCTE-2021 (SEM - 6)

All short questions

  • State True/False:

(i) Construction management will help to execute the project most economically. (True)

(ii) Design stage is a stage of construction. (True)

(iii) Manager can not represent his organization to outsiders. (False)

(iv) Accidents cause increase of production in a construction site. (False)

(v) Goggles, safety shoes, Helmet are personal protection equipment used in construction site. (True)

(vi) Provision for site office should be given at far off the construction site. (False)

(vii) PERT is an important method of network analysis. (True)

(viii) Material is an important element of costing. (True)

(ix) Material may be classified into direct material and indirect material. (True)

  • Fill in the blanks:

(x) The term disaster is derived from a combination of two words –  "des"  meaning bad and  "aster"  meaning star.

(xi) Earnest money is usually   2   % of the total estimated cost of project.

(xii) CPM means  critical  path method.

(xiii) Three elements of costing are Material, Labour and  Expenses .

(xiv) NIT means  Notice Inviting Tender .

(xv) BOT stands for  Build-Operate-Transfer .

(xvi) During  resource   leveling  exercise, the critical activities are given priority for resource allocation.

(xvii) When time is the essence of contract,  penalty  can be charged for delayed completion.

(xviii)  Safety measurement  is very much needed to reduce accidents at construction site.

  • Select the suitable alternatives from the following statements:

(xix) Earthquake under the sea is called?

(a) Cyclone, (b) Hurricane, (c) Tsunami, (d) Thunder.

(xx) Disaster Management includes – (a) Rehabilitation, (b) Reconstruction, (c) Mitigation, (d) All the above.

(xxi) A construction contract comprises of essentially the following documents-

(a) the contract drawings and general conditions, (b) the specifications, (c) all of the above, (d) none of the above.

(xxii) The term “Disaster” is derived from?

(a) Greek Word, (b) French Word, (c) Latin Word, (d) Chinese Word.

(xxiii) In which month in India, floods are likely to occur? 

(a) June-December, (b) June-September, (c) May-October, (d) April-June.